

Protein Beta-1,3-galactosyl-O-glycosyl-glycoprotein beta-1,6-N-acetylglucosaminyltransferase
Gene GCNT1
Status Reviewed
Source Breast Cancer cell lines; Breast cancer xenografts; DLBCL cell lines (Diffuse large B-cell lymphoma); HEK293 cell line (embryonic kidney); Jurkat T cell line; Liver; Non-small Cell Lung Carcinoma; OVCAR-3 cell line (Ovarian cancer); Pancreatic islets; Prostate
Years 2012-2015


Site Identified Peptides Year(Publication ID)
58 PSSDInCTK 2012(48);
58 NPSSDInCTKVIQ 2013(37);
58 HLELAGENPSSDInCTK 2012(48); 2014(13); 2014(14); 2014(15); 2014(18); 2014(33); 2015(1); 2015(unpublished);
95 nMTSDCSSFIK 2015(1);
95 WTPDDYInMTSDCSSFIK 2012(48); 2014(18); 2015(unpublished);




ID Publication
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